Monday 5 August 2013


After a stunner holiday away with family and enjoying the weather we have been looking at.....
"How we can deal with change"

So last term in inquiry we concentrated how to conserve water, this term our focus is CHANGE!
We thought the best way to combine our inquiry questions from last term and this term is to take a trip to The Auckland Zoo!

This was an awesome experience we arrived to a Big, Balled, Tall, English guy called John who invited us into his classroom for some learning.

We had some great questions about how the Zoo has made changes to help the animals. Many of the changes came through recycling and water usage. THAT WAS GREAT FOR OUR INQUIRY!

The rest of the day was filled with us going to check out these changes for ourselves. Also filled with a lot of animals, some of us were even lucky enough to feed the Giraffe!

The day ended with 1/3 of the class falling asleep on the bus ride back to school. Most peoples highlights had to do with seeing animals for the first time and the lowlights.... POO!